For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (2024)

New International Version
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.New Living Translation
For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.English Standard Version
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.Berean Study Bible
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.New American Standard Bible
'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.King James Bible
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.Holman Christian Standard Bible
For I know the plans I have for you"--this is the LORD's declaration--"plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. International Standard Version
For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope. NET Bible
For I know what I have planned for you,' says the LORD. 'I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.GOD'S WORD® Translation
I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.Jubilee Bible 2000
For I know the thoughts that I think concerning you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you the end that you wait for.King James 2000 Bible
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.American King James Version
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.American Standard Version
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end.Douay-Rheims Bible
For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of affliction, to give you an end and patience. Darby Bible Translation
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you in your latter end a hope.English Revised Version
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end.Webster's Bible Translation
For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.World English Bible
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says Yahweh, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future.Young's Literal Translation
For I have known the thoughts that I am thinking towards you -- an affirmation of Jehovah; thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give to you posterity and hope.

Jeremia 29:11 Afrikaans PWL
want Ék weet watter planne Ek vir julle het,’ verklaar יהוה, ‘planne vir welvaart en nie van katastrofe nie, om vir julle ’n toekoms en ’n versekerde verwagting te gee,

Jeremia 29:11 Albanian
Sepse unë i njoh mendimet që kam për ju", thotë Zoti, "mendime paqeje dhe jo të së keqes, për t'ju dhënë një të ardhme dhe një shpresë.

لاني عرفت الافكار التي انا مفتكر بها عنكم يقول الرب افكار سلام لا شر لاعطيكم آخرة ورجاء.

Dyr Ierymies 29:11 Bavarian
I waiß schoon, was i mit enk vürhaan, sait dyr Trechtein; i main s gar wol guet mit enk, nit übl, denn i will enk ayn Zuekumft und Hoffnung göbn.

Еремия 29:11 Bulgarian
Защото аз зная мислите, които мисля за вас, казва Господ, мисля за мир, а не за зло, за да ви дам бъдеще и надежда.

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

耶 利 米 書 29:11 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
耶 和 華 說 : 我 知 道 我 向 你 們 所 懷 的 意 念 是 賜 平 安 的 意 念 , 不 是 降 災 禍 的 意 念 , 要 叫 你 們 末 後 有 指 望 。

耶 利 米 書 29:11 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
耶 和 华 说 : 我 知 道 我 向 你 们 所 怀 的 意 念 是 赐 平 安 的 意 念 , 不 是 降 灾 祸 的 意 念 , 要 叫 你 们 末 後 有 指 望 。

Jeremiah 29:11 Croatian Bible
Jer ja znam svoje naume koje s vama namjeravam - riječ je Jahvina - naume mira, a ne nesreće: da vam dadnem budućnost i nadu.

Jermiáše 29:11 Czech BKR
Nebo já nejlépe znám myšlení, kteráž myslím o vás, dí Hospodin, myšlení o pokoji, a ne o trápení, abych učinil vašemu očekávání konec přežádostivý.

Jeremias 29:11 Danish
Thi jeg ved, hvilke Tanker jeg tænker om eder, lyder det fra HERREN, Tanker om Fred og ikke om Ulykke, at jeg maa give eder Fremtid og Haab.

Jeremia 29:11 Dutch Staten Vertaling
Want Ik weet de gedachten, die Ik over u denk, spreekt de HEERE, gedachten des vredes, en niet des kwaads, dat Ik u geve het einde en de verwachting.

Swete's Septuagint
οὐ τοιαύτη μερὶς τῷ Ἰακώβ, ὅτι ὁ πλάσας τὰ πάντα αὐτός ἐστιν κληρονομία αὐτοῦ, Κύριος ὄνομα αὐτῷ.

Westminster Leningrad Codex
כִּי֩ אָנֹכִ֨י יָדַ֜עְתִּי אֶת־הַמַּחֲשָׁבֹ֗ת אֲשֶׁ֧ר אָנֹכִ֛י חֹשֵׁ֥ב עֲלֵיכֶ֖ם נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה מַחְשְׁבֹ֤ות שָׁלֹום֙ וְלֹ֣א לְרָעָ֔ה לָתֵ֥ת לָכֶ֖ם אַחֲרִ֥ית וְתִקְוָֽה׃

WLC (Consonants Only)
כי אנכי ידעתי את־המחשבת אשר אנכי חשב עליכם נאם־יהוה מחשבות שלום ולא לרעה לתת לכם אחרית ותקוה׃

Aleppo Codex
יא כי אנכי ידעתי את המחשבת אשר אנכי חשב עליכם--נאם יהוה מחשבות שלום ולא לרעה לתת לכם אחרית ותקוה

Jeremiás 29:11 Hungarian: Karoli
Mert én tudom az én gondolatimat, a melyeket én felõletek gondolok, azt mondja az Úr; békességnek és nem háborúságnak gondolata, hogy kivánatos véget adjak néktek.

Jeremia 29:11 Esperanto
CXar Mi scias la intencojn, kiujn Mi havas koncerne vin, diras la Eternulo, intencojn al bono kaj ne al malbono, por doni al vi estontecon kaj esperon.

JEREMIA 29:11 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Sillä minä kyllä tiedän, mitkä teistä minun ajatukseni ovat, sanoo Herra: rauhan ja ei murheen ajatukset; että minä olen antava teille sen lopun, jonka te toivotte.

Jérémie 29:11 French: Darby
Car moi je connais les pensees que je pense à votre egard, dit l'Eternel, pensees de paix et non de mal, pour vous donner un avenir et une esperance.

Jérémie 29:11 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Car je connais les projets que j'ai formés sur vous, dit l'Eternel, projets de paix et non de malheur, afin de vous donner un avenir et de l'espérance.

Jérémie 29:11 French: Martin (1744)
Car je sais que les pensées que j'ai sur vous, dit l'Eternel, sont des pensées de paix, et non pas d'adversité, pour vous donner une fin telle que vous attendez.

Jeremia 29:11 German: Modernized
Denn ich weiß wohl, was ich für Gedanken über euch habe, spricht der HERR, nämlich Gedanken des Friedens und nicht des Leides, daß ich euch gebe das Ende, des ihr wartet.

Jeremia 29:11 German: Luther (1912)
Denn ich weiß wohl, was ich für Gedanken über euch habe, spricht der HERR: Gedanken des Friedens und nicht des Leidens, daß ich euch gebe das Ende, des ihr wartet.

Jeremia 29:11 German: Textbibel (1899)
Denn ich bin mir wohl bewußt der Gedanken, die ich gegen euch hege - ist der Spruch Jahwes -, Gedanken zum Heil und nicht zum Unheil, euch eine hoffnungsreiche Zukunft zu gewähren!

Geremia 29:11 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
Poiché io so i pensieri che medito per voi, dice l’Eterno: pensieri di pace e non di male, per darvi un avvenire e una speranza.

Geremia 29:11 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
Perciocchè io so i pensieri che io penso intorno a voi, dice il Signore; che son pensieri di pace, e non a male, per darvi uscita e speranza.

YEREMIA 29:11 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Karena Aku ini amat mengetahui akan segala maksud yang Kutaruh akan kamu, demikianlah firman Tuhan, yaitu maksud akan hal selamat dan bukan akan barang sesuatu yang jahat, supaya pada akhirnya Aku mengaruniakan kepadamu barang yang kamu harap itu.

예레미아 29:11 Korean
나 여호와가 말하노라 너희를 향한 나의 생각은 내가 아나니 재앙이 아니라 곧 평안이요 너희 장래에 소망을 주려 하는 생각이라

Ieremias 29:11 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
Ego enim scio cogitationes quas ego cogito super vos, ait Dominus, cogitationes pacis et non afflictionis, ut dem vobis finem et patientiam.

Jeremijo knyga 29:11 Lithuanian
Aš žinau, kokius sumanymus turiu dėl jūsų,­sako Viešpats.­ Sumanymus jūsų gerovei, o ne nelaimėms, ir ateitį su viltimi.

Jeremiah 29:11 Maori
Kei te mohio hoki ahau ki nga whakaaro e whakaaro nei ahau ki a koutou, e ai ta Ihowa, he whakaaro mo te rongo mau, ehara mo te kino, kia hoatu te tumanako ki a koutou i o koutou ra whakamutunga.

Jeremias 29:11 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
For jeg vet de tanker jeg tenker om eder, sier Herren, fredstanker og ikke tanker til ulykke, å gi eder fremtid og håp.

Jeremías 29:11 Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas
``Porque yo sé los planes que tengo para vosotros--declara el SEÑOR-- ``planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, para daros un futuro y una esperanza.

Jeremías 29:11 Spanish: La Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos
'Porque Yo sé los planes que tengo para ustedes,' declara el SEÑOR 'planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, para darles un futuro y una esperanza.

Jeremías 29:11 Spanish: Reina Valera Gómez
Porque yo sé los pensamientos que tengo acerca de vosotros, dice Jehová, pensamientos de paz, y no de mal, para daros el fin que esperáis.

Jeremías 29:11 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
Porque yo sé los pensamientos que tengo acerca de vosotros, dice Jehová, pensamientos de paz, y no de mal, para daros el fin que esperáis.

Jeremías 29:11 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Porque yo sé los pensamientos que tengo acerca de vosotros, dijo el SEÑOR, pensamientos de paz, y no de mal, para daros el fin que esperáis.

Jeremias 29:11 Bíblia King James Atualizada Português
Porquanto somente Eu conheço os planos que determinei a vosso respeito!’, declara Yahweh, ‘planos de fazê-los prosperar e não de lhes causar dor e prejuízo, planos para dar-vos esperança e um futuro melhor.

Jeremias 29:11 Portugese Bible
Pois eu bem sei os planos que estou projetando para vós, diz o Senhor; planos de paz, e não de mal, para vos dar um futuro e uma esperança.

Ieremia 29:11 Romanian: Cornilescu
Căci Eu ştiu gîndurile, pe cari le am cu privire la voi, zice Domnul, gînduri de pace şi nu de nenorocire, ca să vă dau un viitor şi o nădejde.

Иеремия 29:11 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
Ибо только Я знаю намерения, какие имею о вас, говорит Господь, намерения во благо, а не на зло, чтобы дать вам будущность и надежду.

Иеремия 29:11 Russian koi8r
Ибо [только] Я знаю намерения, какие имею о вас, говорит Господь, намерения во благо, а не на зло, чтобы дать вам будущность и надежду.

Jeremia 29:11 Swedish (1917)
Jag vet väl vilka tankar jag har för eder, säger HERREN, nämligen fridens tankar och icke ofärdens, till att giva eder en framtid och ett hopp.

Jeremiah 29:11 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Sapagka't nalalaman ko ang mga pagiisip na aking iniisip sa inyo, sabi ng Panginoon, mga pagiisip tungkol sa kapayapaan, at hindi tungkol sa kasamaan, upang bigyan kayo ng pagasa sa inyong huling wakas.

เยเรมีย์ 29:11 Thai: from KJV
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า เพราะเรารู้แผนงานที่เรามีไว้สำหรับเจ้า เป็นแผนงานเพื่อสันติภาพ ไม่ใช่เพื่อทุกขภาพ เพื่อจะให้อนาคตตามที่คาดหมายไว้แก่เจ้า

Yeremya 29:11 Turkish
Çünkü sizin için düşündüğüm tasarıları biliyorum›› diyor RAB. ‹‹Kötü tasarılar değil, size umutlu bir gelecek sağlayan esenlik tasarıları bunlar.

Gieâ-reâ-mi 29:11 Vietnamese (1934)
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Vì ta biết ý tưởng ta nghĩ đối cùng các ngươi, là ý tưởng bình an, không phải tai họa, để cho các ngươi được sự trông cậy trong lúc cuối cùng của mình.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.