If He's Noble (Wherlocke, #7) (2024)


1,400 reviews641 followers

July 8, 2017

2.3 stars

Thank you to Shannon Burke for recommending this to me :)

Coming in at book #7 really hurt me here, I felt lost with all the Wherlocke family talk and their abilities.
It's a road romance where I thought the main couple fell in love a bit quickly while trying to find the heroine's brother and warn him about their evil aunt.

    1700s historical paranormal


3,133 reviews287 followers

July 7, 2015

I absolutely devoured If He's Noble.

Primrose is running from an evil aunt and a horrible marriage arrangement. She hopes to find her brother so he can save her from her aunt's nefarious plans. Instead she runs into Bened Vaughn, who in all good conscience can't allow Primrose to search on her own.

The chemistry is electrifying.

The story riveting.

The aunt absolutely villianess.

Wonderfully suspenseful, If He's Noble brings a slightly paranormal flare to a marvelous historical romance.

I received this ARC copy of If He's Noble from Kensington Books - Zebra in exchange for a honest review. This book is set for publication July 28, 2015.

Written by: Hannah Howell
Series: Wherlockes
Sequence in Series: 7
Mass Market Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Zebra
Publication Date: July 28, 2015
Rating: 5 Stars
ISBN-10: 1420135031
ISBN-13: 978-1420135039
Genre: Historical Regency Romance | Paranormal

Amazon | Barnes & Noble

For Reviews and More Check out:http://tometender.blogspot.com

If He's Noble (Wherlocke, #7) (3)

    arc historical kindle


485 reviews25 followers

June 12, 2015

Copy graciously provided by Kensington Books through Net Galley.

5 Couldn't Put It Down STARS!!

I have DEVOURED every book in this series.
If He's Wicked (Chloe & Julian)
If He's Sinful (Penelope & Ashton)
If He's Wild (Althea & Hartley)
If He's Dangerous (Lorelei & Argus)
If He's Tempted (Olympia & Brant)
If He's Daring (Catrin & Orion)

They can be read as stand-alones, but I have truly enjoyed following this enchanting Family with their psychic gifts.

It really feels like you are a part of their captivating Journey, as they find their soul mate. This story is no different. I was in it from Page 1 and didn't put it down until I was finished. I loved the intensity between Lady Primrose "Rose" and Sir Bened. The author gives us a heart-felt heroine and a strong Hero. They go through some trials together and are stronger for it. It was a gripping story line with a truly vile villain.

Can't wait to read more of this "gifted" family!!!!!


490 reviews29 followers

May 2, 2016

Highly disappointed.

I usually love Hannah Howell's books especially the Murray and Wherlocke series but this one felt unfinished.

If He's Noble felt plot felt disjointed and unpolished. Howells' books usually have a very clever and very smooth plot but this one didn't.

I didn't totally feel the chemistry between the two and I felt it was strange that Bened tried to leave at the end because it didn't fit his character at all. It felt like Howell was just reusing an already overused trope of hers.

Primroses' mind blanks didn't really make sense. They were completely unnecessary to the plot and only added to the "your Aunt is evil" idea. They weren't introduced smoothly, they just came out of no where and were solved relatively easy. Modred apparently came up with the reason for these mind blanks, or so the characters said. But other characters had already said the same thing previously and was hardly as monumental as the characters were making out. (On a side note: excited about the hint of a book for Modred coming up!)

Also I'm really curious about Simeon and Lilybet, they were the more interesting characters! Is there going to be a book about them?

In summary I'm disappointed but i still give it an okay because it's Hannah Howell and I like this series. Please improve on this.



126 reviews

August 6, 2015

I was less than impressed with this book. I was excited for Bened to fall in love in his own book so the wait for this book was long and torturous. However even more of a torture was reading the book and finding what felt like an unfinished story. I would have waited a not her few weeks if the story would have been more flushed out. The major action scenes were so fast they felt like they were on fast forward. There were several questions and ideas brought up through out the book and then promptly forgotten and never re addressed.

Spoilers that support the never readdressed claim below.



Do not read further unless okay with spoilers!!!

The heroine had 2 very traumatic memories blocked and often said she felt she had more but that was never explored. The memories she did get back were never explained other than "well our aunt is mad" Several times it was mentioned that the Aunt hated our heroine specifically for some unknown reason but that was never explained. We were introduced to new Wherlocke's and Vaughns but their powers were never truly talked about and seemed to pop up as needed. Lily had The Sight and emotional mind reading? Beven kind of disappeared from seight but when first talked about and used it was all done "off stage" where the reader was just told about it by a character after the fact. Morris was never even given a power. Bened's family was never even met, and there was talk and mention of the heroine having permanent blurry vision, but her aim with a pistol was right on and we never heard about her glasses after the opening scene. And where is Lily going toned up? This book felt rushed and unfinished with large gaps told to the reader after the fact.

However I did adore the hero and heroine together and there was the close love and family that I love from this series and the happily ever after and peek at their hakim get a home allowed me to give this romance a 3 instead of the 2.

Monique Takens

576 reviews9 followers

February 29, 2020

Dit deel is niet in het Nederlands vertaald verschenen .
Als het laatste boek in een serie voldoet dit deel totaal niet en ik vermoed dat het ook niet als laatste deel bedoeld is maar dat H.H. gewoon geen inspiratie had voor het 'echte' laatste deel namelijk het verhaal van Modred - de hertog van .. en het hoofd van de Wherlock en Vaughn familie . Zoooo jammer !!


64 reviews47 followers

July 4, 2017

I absolutely loved the other books in this series but I am sorry to say that this one fell some what flat for me. All the parts that should have made this a true Wherlocke/ Vaughn novel were missing or at least it seemed this way to me. In all the scenes with any of the family you barely even noticed they were there. Little to no conversation or seeing them use abilities. There was one particular dinner party that was sadly underused in the worst way. There you have a new arrival in the midst of a large family dinner and you get no real scene. Such a ripe opportunity to demonstrate and initiate her into the fold wasted.
Everything appeared to be told not shown a real disappointment as that is the best part of this series and really any book. Ex: You were told of Beven's ability but you never got to really witness it and any fight scene was simply glanced over swiftly you never get to actually be in any of the fight scenes.
And though I know the story line called for Bened to do something to demonstrate or use his gifts riding around continually for the entire novel got a wee bit boring. Following them around till they got where they were going only to have them turn around made it all feel a little to useless to me.
Sadly I wasn't fond of this one but will always come back for more of this series. I just hope the next one will be more evolved in the family a good dose of Wherlocke/ Vaughn magic can never go amiss.


J. W. Garrett

1,624 reviews113 followers

March 28, 2021

Rating: MA: mature-reader [->17]: erotic sex, depravity, debauchery, trigger warnings for violence toward women, kidnappings, murder, scandal, blackmail, treachery: Angst level: medium-high: Book 7/7 in the psychic Wherlocke, paranormal series: Source: purchased: I read this series in paperback form and have systematically gathered the ebooks for my personal library. I am enjoying rereading them and writing reviews. I am fascinated by this family. There are so many members within the two branches of this family and their ‘gifts’ are as unique and varied as they are. It is never dull when they enter a scene. Each book features a Vaughn or a Wherlocke [sometimes both] and manages to have other family members visit and give aid or assistance when needed. They seemed to know or sense when a family member was in trouble or hurt. I found that fascinating. This review may contain ***SPOILERS***

I didn’t think Howell could find a villain worse than what had been featured in previous books. It seems I was wrong. OMG! This villain was awful. I mean… how bad can a person get? Well, this one was pretty bad. That MA rating is not to be ignored. This was mean, vicious, and downright cruel. The Baron was dead, the son, and heir, was missing, and the daughter was searching for her brother. Their aunt and uncle [the baron’s younger brother] had moved into the manor and had taken over. It was apparent they were on a mission to inherit but for one little problem… or perhaps two, several family members were standing in their way. Oh, what was to be done?

Sir Bened Vaughn [knighted due to services rendered] finally had his story. He had been in and out of several previous stories and I highly recommend reading them to get the full picture of this amazing family and its ‘gifted’ members. Bened was headed toward his newly acquired lands when he ran into Lady Primrose Wootten. It seems these Vaughn/Wherlocke men stumble across women in trouble every day. What was a knight [literally] do to?

This was an action-packed adventure, with no holds barred knock-down-drag-out fights, shootouts, knife welding villains, pistols drawn, kidnapping, rescues, treachery, blackmail, etc. You know, the usual Howell machinations. I loved it. Scary as heck but fun to read. I love these Wherlocke/Vaughn family members.

Problems with continuity: Ch 8 Prim gets up and puts her glasses or spectacles on, then within the same paragraph she hastily donned her spectacles again. In that same fight, it is mentioned that people heard the sound of a shot but I don’t remember reading of where he fired a shot. Just a little thing that grabbed me.

Wherlocke Series: each book can standalone and usually contains references to and visits from characters in previous books. I love this family.

Book 1: If He’s Wicked [Cloe Wherlocke and Lord Julian Kenwood]
Book 2: If He’s Sinful [Penelope Wherlocke and Lord Ashton Radmoor]
Book 3: If He’s Wild [Lady Alethea Vaughn-Channing and Lord Hartley Greville]
Book 4: If He’s Dangerous [Sir Argus Wherlocke and Lady Lorelei Sundun]
Book 5: If He’s Tempted [Lady Olympia Wherlocke and Lord Brant Mallam]
Book 6: If He’s Daring [Sir Orion Wherlocke and Lady Catryn Gryffin de Warrenne]
Book 7: If He’s Noble [Sir Bened Vaughn and Lady Primrose Wootten]

    2021 era-6-regency-1811-1820 historical-romance


1,061 reviews27 followers

July 16, 2015

Originally Reviewed For: Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy

The Wherlockes are a special brand of people and Hannah Howell does them so much justice in this series. Each Wherlocke and/or Vaughan was born with a gift. A gift that got them tossed from their families, spouses leave, burned at the stake, land confiscated and worse.. but the family has survived and stayed strong. In this enlightened time (pre regency) they have finally been able to come out of hiding. Their estates have grown, their lives are fuller and richer. But more than that each Wherlocke or Vaughan has looked for a mate that can accept them for who they are.. which leads to happiness.

If He's Noble is Bened Vaughan's story, a man who has served his family well but now it's time to set up his own life. A surprise Barony has dropped in his lap and Bened is ready to finally settle down. What he doesn't need is some strange woman traversing the woods talking to someone... *grins* but the more time he spends with her the more intrigued he is. And it seems her story is about way more than wandering the woods..

Lady Primrose Wootten, has been left at the hands of her Uncle and Aunt.. He's a vial excuse for a human being but it's mostly, gambling, drinking and wenching. BUT she's something else. It seems Auntie Dear feels that she should be the reigning Baroness.. Primrose knows something is up and is desperate to find her brother. To let him know that his life is in danger but she's a woman and seriously out of her element. When she literally stumbles into Bened Vaughan, Primrose has to take a chance. Lucky girl, I wouldn't mind wandering the woods and finding Bened *grins*.

I LOVE the Wherlockes and the Vaughans. Ms. Howell writes these strong capable characters that understand persecution, that have lived it, have grown up with the stories of it, and yet they are decent, good and ready to take a stand. But they aren't holier than thou or over preachy. Nope they are exciting! Adventurous and oh so sexy!! Bened offers something of a treat because he has been a background player for a while. Not one of the more "dynamic" Vaughans.. he's a workhorse.. but once we get to know him, he's just stellar!

Primrose on the other hand is a woman ready to fight! She may have led something of a sheltered life. She may not quite know what she is supposed to do but she knows what's right and wrong and she is dedicated to family (the ones not trying to kill her that is). She is the perfect woman for a man who is still trying to figure out how to become a lord..

And yes, we get to spend time with plenty of the Vaughans and Wherlockes so it's a guaranteed adventure of yore!!

Another Hit!


This review is based on the ARC of If He's Noble, provided by netgalley and is scheduled to be released July 28, 2015

    historical-fiction netgalley reading-romance-challenge

Marilyn Rondeau

496 reviews24 followers

July 22, 2015

First of all - I love this series and Ms. Howell’s family of Wherelocke’s and Vaughn’s are so totally unique, creative and totally imaginative it’s hard to have to wait for the next books detailing this amazing family.

Right from the start we are introduced to Lady Primrose Wooten who is in a desperate search for her brother now that her beloved father had died under mysterious circ*mstances. If she cannot locate her brother in time, her odious aunt and uncle are attempting to marry her off to a very sleazy man who is rumored to have killed his last three wives. Having been unseated in the woods, she is in dire straits without her spectacles and horse. Thankfully, Sir Bened Vaughn who has a knack for calming and a sixth sense of danger has come to her aid and offers his services to Primrose.

Bened has been on his own for some time, usually hired to protect and keep safe the heirs of nobility. Having saved the life of his last client’s heir, Bened has been rewarded with a title and lands by a grateful father. On his way to inspect his new lands he runs into Primrose. Something about Primrose stirs something primal in his blood, and after hearing her story, he feels honor-bound to assist her in her search.

Filled with intrigue, danger, and a simmering sensuality Bened and Primrose’s adventures are fraught with all kinds of hazards as her vengeful and psychotically evil aunt is determined to rid herself of one more impediment blocking her way to riches and power. Naturally, the call goes out to Bened’s many relatives and with their assistance and advice, Bened and Primrose manage to keep up with the evil machinations of her killer aunt.

Bottom line: Excellent read - fast action - simmering sensuality - plus fabulous characters - what more does one need!

Marilyn Rondeau


Reading In Pajamas

1,056 reviews104 followers

July 30, 2015

✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: If He’s Noble (Wherlockes Series Book 7) by Hannah Howell http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-2MC
Genre: Regency/ Historical Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 4 Stars

Great historical romance! I thoroughly enjoyed If He’s Noble! I’ve read a couple of Hannah Howell’s books in the past and had forgotten how much I enjoyed them. If He’s Noble was a fun and exciting romance with witty characters and a gripping plot. It’s well written and hooked me from the beginning with a fun meeting between the characters. This book can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read the entire series but plan to go back and read them because I enjoyed this one. I recommend it for regency historical romance lovers looking for a well written story that will leave you smiling when you close the book. I’ll be checking out the rest of the series and already passed on a paperback to a friend to share the story with her.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If He's Noble (Wherlocke, #7) (12)


900 reviews17 followers

August 8, 2015

I enjoy this series even though they can be hit and miss for me. If He's Noble was not very exciting and I thought the trope was just litle too over the top.....I've seen this before, many times. Howell LOVES wretched, very evil female villains and I don't. Even though I will always read the new installment of The Wherlockes/Vaughns.....I like the idea of a magical family and usually the W/V are so very interesting.....not this time though.

Lilybet Wherlocke saved the book for me, she was a breath of fresh air in a story that was starting to become stale.


2,202 reviews

April 11, 2021

Re-read. Last one in the series. Darn.

I'm really sorry that Hannah Howell did not continue this entertaining series. I really loved the Wherlocke and Vaughn families. I would have loved to read Modred's story (the long-suffering Duke). I kept waiting when I first read the series, but it never came to be. It's not too late, Ms. Howell! ;)

    howell-hannah re-read

Tracy Emro

1,940 reviews53 followers

June 24, 2015

**I received an eARC copy of this book for free from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review**

I loved this book - it is my favorite of the Wherlocke series (so far)

Bened is an almost perfect hero AND he has NO illegitimate children, not that that should matter - but it does make a hero seem careless and irresponsible, and robs the heroine of being able to share at least one "first" with the hero.

When Bened and Primrose meet for the first time - Bened feels an instant connection to her. He is determined to rescue Primrose - whether she wants him to or not. Primrose is searching for her missing brother, to let him know their father has passed away and that Simeon is now the new baron and is needed at home.

This is the beginning of an epic road trip romance with a villain who is so evil and ruthless that it is almost scary. Along the way Bened and Primrose meet up with several members of Bened's family and stop in to see Argus and Lorilee, they find a new family member, find Simeon and then visit Modred and Dob. You would think that once they found Simeon that the story would start to wind down - but it doesn't! The action, suspense and romance only get more intense!

The romance between Bened and Primrose was sweet (and steamy), they didn't fall for each other right away despite the instant connection. They were both cautious and almost timid about their feelings. But once they came together - WOW! Towards the end, Bened becomes an idiot and almost loses the love of a lifetime. Thankfully, he realized his mistake quickly and immediately made things right.

My only complaints with the book are: One - it wrapped up a little too neatly and quickly and Two - I felt like I was left hanging with Lilybet and Simeon. Other than those two things, it was nearly perfect. Well written, the plot was interesting and flowed wonderfully, the love scenes were steamy, the characters likable, the villain was vile and the ending was happy - what more could you want?? I would most definitely recommend this book. It is not necessary to read the other books in the series to follow this story - but reading them will help you understand the family's "gifts" and make you familiar with some of the characters you meet in this book.


christine mortensen

3 reviews

December 18, 2018

Wherlocke series by Hannah Howell

Just finished all seven books they were excellent in on their own. I would recommend any or all. Would like to be notified of any more are written in this series.

Angel Hatfield

4,629 reviews16 followers

August 4, 2015

A Little Disapointing But Still A Good Plot **I received an ARC of this story in exchange for an honest review**
Lady Primrose Wootten is searching for her brother when Sir Bened Vaughan sees her tangled in the woods looking for her horse. Her father had just died and she needed to let her brother know and avoid their aunt. When it becomes clear that their aunt wants more than to just take over. Bened refuses to leave Primrose. While there is more to him than normal men, she slowly makes him want much more.
I had mixed feelings about this book. There were a number of things I went back and forth on. For example, I didn’t really “feel” the two main character’s instant attractions, but I did like their overall characters, particularly Bened’s. Yet, part of him irritated me as he was determined Primrose kept hiding more from him, but there really wasn’t any more she was hiding from him. I also didn’t like his reason for leaving in the end, when I felt her character left his feelings unfounded. With Bened’s character, he really didn’t have any insecurities pointed out throughout the book. I know these reasons sound cryptic, but I’m trying to not give away plot points and still give an honest review. I liked the slight paranormal aspect to the story. I also liked meeting several of Bened’s family members.
Overall, it was a decent book. Even with the things I didn’t like, the plot was good enough that I wanted to finish the book. I would still recommend it to anyone that likes this genre and any of Hannah Howell’s fan-base.


2,832 reviews89 followers

July 31, 2015

Vibrancy, danger and romance!

I so love the Wherlocke stories. This offering of Sir Bened Vaughn and Lady Primrose Wootten's tale of travail is no disappointment.
We originally met Bened Vaughin in the first book of the series, 'If He's Wicked', then later his skills as a tracker are mentioned several times in 'If He's Wild.'
So now this gorgeously protective man has his own story and he finds himself drawn willy nilly into the mystery surrounding the vibrant Primrose. In search of her brother Simeon, pursued by ruffians employed by her wicked aunt Primrose has only her wiles and now Bened to stand between herself and disaster.
Bened is drawn to Primrose, first seen waving a pistol at him. Their race to find Simeon is dangerous and exhilarating and charged with the tensions of the attraction they feel towards each other. Along the way, Primrose confronts repressed memories, hidden pages from her childhood, uncomfortable and telling. The bond that grows between Bened and Primrose is tested in more ways than one. Not the least of those being as Lilybet so succinctly puts it 'male idiocy.'
A taut and exciting entry into the Wherlocke family annals.

A NetGalley ARC

    historical-romance netgalley paranormal-romance

Heather andrews

9,520 reviews159 followers

June 3, 2015

Primrose may be a lady but she can appreciate certain things, "hey had just reached the shore when she abruptly realized he was bare-chested. And a magnificent chest it was, she decided." Bened I found him strange but I fell in love with that strangeness, "the one you just formed by bringing this little dog into it. Dogs need to know who is the head of the pack from the start or you will have a very hard time training them to do anything." Rose sometimes has to put her foot down on things Bened is a really passionate man with some stamina, "she wriggled free of his hold, got off the bed, and stepped out of his reach. “No more of that. I am hungry,” she said." He's not bashful what so ever he's a proud man, "very certain .” He yanked off his boots and underdrawers and stood there proudly naked. “Gardening? I would have thought you did not need to read such a book?" I loved this book these characters were lovable and enjoyable to read about.

LaTisha Walker

182 reviews3 followers

August 24, 2015

I love Hannah Howell's Wherlocke series. It's always nice to visit such a special and unique family. This book did not disappoint. the only complaint I have is the hero displaying my two biggest pet peeves in romance novels, martyrdom and running away. I absolutely hate when a hero or heroine suffers in silence because they're "protecting" loved ones from their troubles. And I also hate when a hero or heroine runs away from a situation or confrontation instead of trying to resolve things or get closure. The hero, Bened, left the heroine, Primrose, without a word to her, because he felt that he was not good enough for her and that she deserved someone better than him. Thank God he came to his senses before he got too far away! He made a decision for Primrose without even caring about how she felt. I hate selfishness and cowardice disguised thoughtfulness.

Sissy's Romance Book Review

8,910 reviews16 followers

February 13, 2016

What can you say about Hannah Howell...she is one of the best writers I think! I love her books and have read almost all of them! This book was great! It is the seventh in the series "Wherlocke'. But with all of Hannah Howell's book you don't have to read them in order, so this is a standalone book. too. Lady Primrose Wootten is the heroine of this story. She is being invaded by greed driven family members that are really awful! She goes for help in the way of her brother but meets the hero this story instead. The hero, Sir Bened Vaughn isn't afraid of much, but Lady Primrose is making him have doubts! So glad to have this book!


Barbara ★

3,496 reviews277 followers

September 18, 2015

This is another great book in the Wherlocke series. This one focuses on Bened Vaughn and Primrose Wootten who is being hunted by her aunt for her and her brothers inheritance. Of course, Bened stumbles on her accidentally and Sir Bened cannot allow Primrose to search for her brother alone so luckily he joins the quest.

And yeah a good portion of the Wherlocke/Vaughn crew enter the picture but the action only leaves Primrose and Bened for scenes of her brother, Simeon and a newly found Wherlocke named Lilybet. Hmmm love is in the air.

    paranormal-psychic read-2015 romance

Shannon Burke

53 reviews4 followers

August 2, 2015

The only thing about this book that I did not enjoy…was that it had to come to an end and I will have to wait again for the next book of this series! Why must our favorite authors torture us so! I loved how this book had me both gasping with shock one minute and laughing the next, again Hannah Howell’s characters were well fleshed out, very dynamic in a story that had you glued to the book.

It was a little slow in a couple of spots, but other than that, it was an amazing adventure that had my husband giving me strange looks when I would gasp, laugh and growl though parts of this.

Isha Coleman

7,795 reviews154 followers

July 19, 2015

Strong characters, mysterious intrigue and mystifying storytelling. Thank you Kensington and NetGalley for reintroducing me to Hannah Howell. Ms. Howell creates stories that stimulate the imagination. Her stories are never dull. There are always numerous surprises waiting to be discovered. I received an ARC of If He's Noble in exchange for an honest review. With a book this good my only disappointment is that I discovered it with book 7.

    first-reads netgalley


574 reviews

November 5, 2015

Ok I finished them and sad to say I am glad I didn't spend money on them. Basicallyif you've read the first one you've read all of them with some very minor changes - the characters all have awesome potential but the stories needs mixing up a lot - each book is pretty much the same. *big sigh* I had high hopes PNR meets historical romance but alas...

Annette Drewett

1,904 reviews11 followers

September 3, 2023

Loved Bened's Book!


602 reviews16 followers

April 23, 2021

This author and I don't seem to gel. I find her reads frustrating, wooden and often a little boring and end up skipping sections.

I had hopes for this novel as there was an instant spark as Primrose and Bened meet but that spark quickly fizzled thanks to the leaden unrealistic plot - the villain was just too over the top, and I found it very hard to believe that so many criminals could be found so easily and hired to steal/kill/kidnap so casually and so damn often. Further, Primrose at one point has only met Bened that day ( a mere few hours) and that night the virginal innocent is lying in bed contemplating the idea of shagging the man - again, I need a little realism.
This novel quickly dissolved into a damsel in distress situation and the Hero decides (despite all inconvenience/cost/time) to stick with her and solve her problems. Yet, though they spend a lot of time together they lacked connection points and the romance never really got off the ground for me. He was supposedly noble, so sleeping with a virgin aristocrat seemed less than. And there was never any talk of preventing pregnancy or marriage.
And too many times the characters just didn't react realistically. Bened goes off to get the stolen horses back, but Primrose, upon his return spends several pages thinking about his looks etc and doesn't ask until much later if he got the horses, if there was conflict and if he is okay.

editing - there were a lot of repetitive conversations, too often only pages separating them. And late in the book Primrose thinks about how she has never shot a man or an animal, but earlier in the book she shot a man in the leg?????

The ending was convoluted and kind of stupid. The confrontation way over engineered and the stiffness b/w the characters meant their declaration of love was a little underwhelming.

This novel, for me, lacked connection points b/w the MC's so that I could believe in the romance. There is no humour. The stakes all feel insignificant though the author often piles on trauma. The villain is too over the top (and almost too lucky considering they are whack job insane - like the author's last villain I read in a previous novel)

and the characters are all interchangeable, not just from one novel to the next but characters within the read - this could just as easily have been Lily and Simeon's story.


821 reviews10 followers

May 27, 2021

4/3.5 stars (enjoy Maureen Driscoll, Elisa Braden, Sophie Jordon, Samantha Holt, Stacy Reid)

The development and interest in main characters and secondary characters was enjoyable. I really did like the H/H for this book; very well paired as a couple.

I loved the writing around the women empowerment (it wasn’t over the top for me). Badass women rock.

writing style is easy to follow, humorous moments, the give and take dialogue enjoyable; Modern vocabulary.

Romantic/sexual content (kissing, oral, love making scenes) was throughout the book. Nothing over the top; again nicely intertwined in the story. There are a few detailed written scenes and several just mentioning the act. 2.5/5 hotness and steam.

I love series around family members or a group of friends. I love the series even more when the author intertwines those characters throughout the book series (it’s a pet peeve when authors don’t do that because what’s the point of the series and introducing the characters if they are not going to interact throughout the series). each book you rarely saw pervious book characters which was a let down for me.

I enjoyed the series however there was a disconnect for me in each book; it felt unfinished. The secondary characters were written well but they were left ‘hanging’…as a reader it was frustrating and super disappointing.

would recommend this book and series (you don’t have to read them in order, each book could be a stand alone)

Cindy Senn

199 reviews1 follower

August 19, 2021

A truly delightful series.

This is a great series by a fantastic author. All her books are well worth the investment in time and money. I have never been disappointed or felt like I had wasted my hard-earned money by purchasing any Hannah Howell book.
These books could fall in the " Paranormal" genre but it would be more accurate to list them as " Historical" romances with a little paranormal thrown in for good measure.
These books give us a large loving family of people who are blessed with special gifts. Some can see ghosts, a few of them can see the future, still, others heal with a touch, and one or two can read a person's mind completely, nothing can remain hidden even thoughts long buried.
Each member of the family is endowed in such a way and to say it has led to some very interesting situations is an understatement. This family has been through a lot of heartache throughout their long history as a family. Reading about their lives and how they deal with these gifts while finding true love is one heck of an adventure. One not to be missed.


3,321 reviews10 followers

October 13, 2019

This is the seventh of seven books in the Wherlocke series by Hannah Howell. Each story is about a kinsman in the Wherlocke and Vaughn families who seem to have an extra ability to help those around them. In older days they had been burned as witches. Lady Primrose Wootten has left the safety of her home to find her brother. Her father has died and her uncle and aunt have taken over. Not in a good way. Newly knighted Sir Bened Vaughn comes across her in the forest. This little rebel has gotten his attention that she is sorely in need of a champion. There is many pit falls on their journey to find her brother. None the less is the wicked aunt by marriage who is out to marry or kill her off. They will be helped by many in the Wherlocke and Vaughn family and a newly found one also. There doesn't seem that this is the end of the series because there is many more who needs their own happy ending.


3,497 reviews35 followers

May 25, 2018

I have enjoyed many of Hannah Howwell's books and I cconsider myself a fan, but I enjoyed and disliked this book in equal measure. I was very disaapointed in how tightly this story sticks to her formula. There is no delighted surprise or interesting twists. We know we have a heroine in distress and we have a hero with unique abilities that will keep her safe from harm and his family will eventually come in and using everyone's unique abilities vanquish the evil that is hunting our heroine. Further irritations for me were names so similar I had to pause or backtrack to make sure I understood who was who and doing what. I used to look forward to every story Hannah Howell produced. I'm afraid after this story while well written it lacked the initial wonder and joy her books used to give me. It makes me very sad.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

If He's Noble (Wherlocke, #7) (2024)


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