If He's Wild (Wherlocke, #3) (2024)

Katrina Passick Lumsden

1,782 reviews12.9k followers

November 4, 2014

This series just becomes more taxing with each installment. The repetitive writing is blatant, the villains ridiculous, the suspense unbelievable, and one can't help but be confused by the motivations behind the actions of some of the characters.

Barbara ★

3,496 reviews277 followers

April 1, 2015

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good man pretending to be a bad boy. I always love how he tries to convince the heroine that he isn't really the bad boy rumors make him out to be. It's fun to watch him suffer (well a little bit anyway).

Hartley Greville is a spy for the English during the war with France. He is in the process of seducing a suspected spy when Alethea Vaughn sees a vision where he is being murdered leaving said spy's residence. Psychic Alethea has been seeing visions of Hartley since she was five years old and feels it is her duty to save his life. Thus getting embroiled in a nasty battle between a French woman (said spy), her sister and her henchmen while Hartley and his group do their best to gather evidence to take down this nasty woman. Of course, Alethea has a family of psychics who all get into the action at some point and trip the balance in Hartley's favor. And a rousing good time was had by all...except for poor Hartley who gets tortured. But it all works out satisfactorily in the end.

    historical read-2015 romance

J. W. Garrett

1,624 reviews113 followers

March 10, 2021

“…visions, murderous rogues, traitors, and a coldly evil woman…” [quote from the book]

Review: Rating: MA: mature-reader [->17]: erotic sex, deviant references [but not grounded], graphic and descriptive violence, murder, madness, espionage, possible trigger warnings for violence against women, murder, torture, spying for the French, murder, treachery, traitors, murder: did I mention ‘there be’ murder? Language: British cursing: Angst level: high: Book 3/7 in the psychic Wherlocke, paranormal series: Source: purchased: I had previously read this series in paperback form and have been systematically gathering the ebooks for my personal library. Now that I have all the books, I have looked forward to reading them again. I am fascinated by this family. There are so many of them and their ‘gifts’ are so unique and varied. You almost need a play-bill just to keep up with them. I was sorely tempted to create a spreadsheet and list them all with their powers. I resisted, of course. I may have a touch of OCD, but not that bad. This review may contain spoilers.

This story was extremely interesting and I enjoyed it even more than books 1 & 2. We have the story of Alethea Vaughn with the gift of seeing visions. She was five-years-old when she first saw a vision of a young Hartley Greville. Every year, for the next fifteen years, she would experience a vision of him during an emotional time in his life, good or bad. The last one she had was of his death and she knew she had to warn him. Enlisting the aid of her uncle Iago Vaughn [who had his own gift], she traveled to London in search of Lord Greville.

Villains: talk about your evil villains, this will take your breath away. I don’t think I’ve read of such cold-hearted evil to the extent of this story. This was no walk in the park. This was hardcore madness. Life had no meaning and no one [man, woman, or child] was safe. Nothing was sacred. Everything was about money, control, power, money, prestige, and what someone could do for them. Did I mention money?

What I liked: there was humor in spite of the dangers and atrocities in this story. I loved the cadre of friends and associates surrounding Lord Greville. Those guys were a hoot. They were so much fun and such a help to our main characters. They all worked for the Crown [perhaps I should say the Home Office] in some capacity or another and were in the process of plugging the holes that were leaking information to the French. Then in walked Lady Channing and her Uncle Iago with information regarding a plot to kill Hartley. As they worked through the labyrinth and intricacies of the plot, they discovered that many of Lady Alethea’s relations also worked for the Crown in areas they didn’t even know existed. Who was this family? I LOVED it and HIGHLY recommend it for those who love mystery, intrigue, adventure, and with a healthy dose of HEA thrown in.

Wherlocke Series: each book can standalone and usually contains references to and visits from characters in previous books. I love this family.

Book 1: If He’s Wicked [Cloe Wherlocke and Lord Julian Kenwood]
Book 2: If He’s Sinful [Penelope Wherlocke and Lord Ashton Radmoor]
Book 3: If He’s Wild [Lady Alethea Vaughn-Channing and Lord Hartley Greville]
Book 4: If He’s Dangerous
Book 5: If He’s Tempted
Book 6: If He’s Daring
Book 7: If He’s Noble

    2021 era-6-regency-1811-1820 historical-romance


2,631 reviews371 followers

April 20, 2013

The third book in the Wherlocke series. Lady Alethea Channing has a vision of Lord Hartley Greville and his murder. So she rushes to London and her cousin Iago in hopes of preventing it. You see this wasn't the first vision she has had of him. Lord Hartley is of course skeptical of the woman at first but there is something about her....

Another book that started out pretty good but lost me after a while and while it had it's moments I never felt truly connected to the story. The characters were likable enough but there were times I felt the romance itself suffered because of all the other elements in the book. I just don't think I can go higher than 3 stars for this book.

    family-secrets hr-georgian-regency loc-england-great-britain

Monique Takens

576 reviews9 followers

February 23, 2020

Ik heb de Nederlands talige uitgave gelezen : Ik zie je overal - Candlelight Historische roman 900
Verhaallijn overgenomen van de achterkant boek : Al vele jaren ziet Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing in haar visioenen dezelfde man . Als ze op een dag voelt dat hij in groot gevaar verkeert ,, weet ze dat alleen zij hem kan redden . Ze slaagt erin zijn identiteit vast te stellen en gaat spoorslags naar Londen .
Als ze haar 'droomman' dan eindelijk ontmoet , is ze diep onder de indruk van deze Lord Hartley Greville , die als spion inderdaad aan tal van gevaren blootstaat .
Terwijl Alethea zich zorgen maakt om zijn veiligheid , heeft Hartley de nodige scepsis over haar gaven . Maar haar vrouwelijke charmes staan buiten kijf , en daarom wil hij maar al te graag samen met haar het gevaar tegemoet .

Alweer een spannend deel in deze serie over mensen met bijzondere gaven .


2,202 reviews

April 8, 2021

Still good after re-read.

    howell-hannah re-read


951 reviews5 followers

March 29, 2020

Started out pretty optimistic and hopeful as all the other Historical books have been such a crapshoot that I thought this one while plain compared to the other books in this series it would still be an upgrade. And so, I got stuck in an endless loop of repetitiveness. She is such a vial, evil, despicable, deplorable, disgusting, horrible etc woman and she deserves to die. Buuut hoping for death for a mass murderer no matter she killed kids too is just so unchristen and might be just as bad. She is the worst possible manipulative human being that even walked the earth and poses great danger with every minute she is still alive on this Earth. But, if only wanting her death is not such a mean thing to ask of our wonderful and good natured main characters. And on and on it goes like that.
Every single conversation between the main characters and supporting characters is centered to this main villainous she-male that everyone is just so very shocked by the level of evil she was capable just to achieve money and status. And they go on and on about it just to justify their pursuit of her and then expected hanging for the villainous character later on. She takes so much space in their heads and appears on the page maybe 20% in total. It was a hunt for a dangerous person that needed to be removed due to the danger she posed and that was it. There was no higher moral conundrum to debated and contemplated by the characters inner or outer contemplation both. And yet they keep going on and on.
Honestly I was pretty impressed by the villainous capabilities the vileness was capable, like a female Professor Moriarty when building her empire. But the way the characters were constantly repeating how deplorable she was in her evil doings just took away from the main action-plot that was supposed to be happening, i.e. chasing the villain down. As is that took backstage to the author portraying the characters shock and awe of the main characters at the villain’s never, just the sheer nerve of this villain to be so villainous. Jeez. As such just ruined the perfect villain set up for me.
The heroine was ok. Didn’t completely fall apart once she was introduced to things outside of her comfortable confided country living. She held her own and yet was the regular standard for all historical heroines. She wanted a nice man to love her and give her a home and babies and when he offered devotion without love she kind of got insecure and then when he said he did in fact love her all was right with the world.
The hero was just the typical hero with a troubled and rake past. He did not know what he wanted so he settled to wanting everything and everything on two girl legs until he met the heroine and she was just everything he could ever want after a couple of meetings. And since they ended up being so compatible their marriage was a dream without any tension or challenges whatsoever as all fictional marriages are.
And that was. An ok read, done by a more skilled author than the standard things that can be found out there now. An ok excape into the imaginary world where justice gets served. Bad people get their deserved bad ends. Good people get their wonderful HEA after some trials and tribulations and some damaged support characters get a place to heal and become their own again.


1,664 reviews17 followers

January 6, 2012

What an adventure.Hannah's newest book with the Vaughan's and the Wherlocke's always are full of adventure. With all of them being such a close knit family and all and all with amazing different magical and healing abilities.Even those who are reclusive came out for this adventure.Thanks Mordred.Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing is haunted by a vision of a man in danger-the same man who she has seen in dreams time and time again. She doesn't even know his name, and yet she feels the connection between them, knows she is the only one standing between him and disaster. Lord Hartley Greville is soon to become a big part of Alethea life. Once she tells him of her visions he thinks she is a quack until she shows him all the sketches she has in detail of every dream she has had of him since childhood.Still not a believer quite yet but, once other members of the family get involved he has no choice to go along if he wants to find his niece and nephew that are in danger. It was quite endearing to see the cat a mouse game of love going on between the Rakish Marquis and the mousey magical seer .Another great spy adventure of Grenville having to play a loving suitor to a black -hearted Lady spy while all he can think about is a little mouse named Alethea and how to win her heart without blowing his cover. The book was filled with love romance and adventure all the things I love. Another thing I enjoy is Hannah's interactions with all our favorite characters book after book a positive for me.Enjoyable and recommended read.A Keeper!

Elizabeth Bennet

742 reviews8 followers

November 18, 2020

This is my second favorite book from the wherelocke and Vaughn series. If he's Wicked is the other. The two books are similar in several ways but I have to tell you it still did not bother me. Alethea has a gift of being able to touch an object and experience what the person saw and felt while that object was in their possession but that's not all. Since she was a little girl she sees a man at different stages of life, different times and going through the havoc life brings with it. It's not until one vision springs her and her family into action as Alethea sees this man in danger of dying at the hand of a dangerous viper(Claudette).

Hartley is taken with the mysterious widow but life in his line of work has taught him to be skeptical. That changes when he and his fellow spies see first hand what her abilities are. Then your story unfolds. The couple become close fast and marriage happens not long after. I love HH writing and a family with these powers are sure to please any SyFy nut. I have other books in the series and some started out well enough but did not have the effect like this one. I still hold out hope that Modred will get his story. Come on he's a gorgeous, recluse Duke that is tormented by his gift that makes it very hard to get close to anyone. My heart just went out to how very alone he is but still so compassionate toward family and the innocent. When the family came to Alethea’s aide it reminded me of Stephanie Meyers Breaking Dawn. The family members with their hidden talents and gifts Howell's done wonders with that storyline before. Enjoy!

Michele bookloverforever

8,294 reviews39 followers

August 14, 2017

reread on 11-7-16...enjoyed it all over again. Read a third time...Still worth the effort. Love this series.

    historical-romance paranormal-romance-suspense paranormal-series


161 reviews2 followers

June 9, 2022

Alethea and Hartley

Another romantic story mixed with a with paranormal “gifts”, danger and intrigue. I enjoy this series, BUT by book 3 the story has gotten a little worn. I’ll read book four, but then I’ll likely put this series down for a while.


1,153 reviews19 followers

May 9, 2022

Third in the series and another hit. Alethea (wish I knew how to accurately pronounce her name) is a member of the gifted Vaughn family and close relation to the Wherlockes. I liked her although I'm getting tired of reading about both sides thinking the other loves them but needing to hear the actual words. Yes, the words will come but it is also true that a person can say "I love you" and really mean that they love things about you, or love that you make them look good, etc.

This story is a little different because the evil character is a female. And she is very, very evil. There is lots of suspense and even a tortured hero (literally). I always like when the hero doesn't take too long to begin to appreciate his heroine and not wallow in bachelorhood. Hartley is a great guy and becomes enamored with Alethea early on and so I got to enjoy a relationship between them throughout the book. As with the previous books in the series the supporting characters add depth and wit. I also got a better look at Modred whose story is begging to be written so I'm guessing it will be. Argus was another strong character again and his story is next.

Another repeatable read.

April 2017: What is love, really? How does one know it is the real thing or just hormones and close friendship? It can be expressed with words, sometimes too easily; it can also be expressed with deeds, also sometimes too easily. Maybe that is why this genre is called "romance" as it is a search for the, often elusive, true love.

November 2018: I love these characters. The story telling is superb. My only hesitancy is that spy stories are not my favorite and this is a spy story.

February 2020: Spy story.

May 2022: Nothing new to add. Had to take a short break due to the tense environment of the spy story. I'm still sensitive to it. I blame it on the stress of the pandemic.



763 reviews116 followers

September 1, 2010

This is the first book I've read by Howell and it's sure not to be my last. Absolutely loved it. About a family with many interesting gifts/curses. They are clairvoyant, healers, and can sometimes see dead people (Yikes!).

Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing has visions. Since the age of 5 she's had glimpses into the life of a man she's never met. She has no idea why. On this particular day, however, she has a vision of his future. If she cannot convince him of her gift he will be dead within a month. She seeks the help of her uncle to help her identify and find the man in her visions. Showing her uncle her sketches they set forth on a mission to save Lord Hartley Greville from his fate. Very fun,romantic, and unique read.



573 reviews

April 5, 2011

The only real complaint I had is the titles of this series sucks. Oh, and somebody PLEASE take the half-naked people off the covers!

I've read Hannah Howell books before, but they didn't really stand out for me in the romance genre. This series, with If He's Wicked coming before, and If He's Sinful coming after, adds a family with special powers. This particular novel features Alathea, who has visions, and Hartley, who learns to trust them.
Very enjoyable read, and just what I was looking for!


601 reviews53 followers

August 3, 2012

Really broad characterizations with little other than paranormal talents to distinguish among the characters. Like many series of this type, other than the villains who are overthetop bad, the book suffers from every character being uninterestingly perfect; better for selling other books in the series, I suppose. Not to my taste, however.


Bonnie Cole

38 reviews

July 10, 2010

Hannah Howell is one of my two favorite authors. But, this novel just lacked something. It didn't catch my attention and keep me excited. Usually I can hardly put one of her novels down. This one just wasn't for me but, I will keep reading her books.

Ninou on the Moon

466 reviews5 followers

November 9, 2014

énoooorme déception je me suis royalement ennuyée, 15 jours pour finir un roman qui ne les méritait guère. Grosse perte de temps qui clos définitivement la série, on ne m'y reprendra plus! Différence notable avec son autre série le clan Murray sur lequel je me concentrerais dorénavant!

Annette Drewett

1,904 reviews11 followers

September 3, 2023

Exciting Tale!

Nati Siguemoto

28 reviews3 followers

February 6, 2020

Os Wherlocke e os Vaughn sempre tiveram rumores sobre associação com bruxaria e magia negra ao seu redor por conta de comportamentos "estranhos". Mal sabe a sociedade o que realmente acontece nessas famílias.
Alethea faz parte da família Vaughn e ela tem visões. Desde pequena, ela acompanha o crescimento de um garoto que nunca viu na vida, até que ela vê as circunstâncias da morte dele. Sabendo que ela poderia impedir a morte daquele que ela teve ao seu lado por quase toda sua vida, ela decide encontrá-lo e tentar prevenir a sua visão de se tornar realidade.

Achei que era o primeiro, mas errei! Pois é...
Entretanto, não me arrependo de ter errado, já que esse foi um grande incentivo a continuar lendo a série - coisa que o primeiro (minha leitura atual) não está sendo...
Eu adorei a mescla de romance de época e fantasia, já que são meus gêneros literários favoritos.
Acho que as grandes palavras-chave desse livro são: dons, amor à primeira vista e tretas/espionagem.
Alethea foi uma boa protagonista, sempre querendo participar das investigações e ajudar na busca pelos sobrinhos de Hart, mesmo que isso pudesse significar ter uma visão assustadora. Por Alethea ser viúva, ela conseguiu ter mais liberdade e, por isso, não ficou forçado o envolvimento do casal tão rápido.
O Hartley é daquele tipo de mocinho que a verdade está ali na frente dele - nesse caso, em formato de vários desenhos seus -, mas ele não acredita. Depois de muito convencimento e "coincidências", ele passa a acreditar no dom de Alethea e quer meio que aproveitar o embalo pra poder encontrar seus sobrinhos desaparecidos. Não, não bastou uma viúva reclusa do interior dar a entender que sabia que ele era um agente da coroa que estava seduzindo uma mulher em busca de informações no primeiro encontro deles...
Bem, vamos à autora. Meu primeiro contato com a Hannah Howell não tinha sido dos mais inspiradores de confiança - vide a resenha que eu já postei por aqui de Destino nas Terras Altas -, mas eu gostei muito do caminhar desse livro e isso me deixou mais empolgada para ler mais obras dela.


621 reviews9 followers

October 22, 2017

this story starts out with a young widowed lady who has had visions of things that will happen in the near future, she also can have visions by touching an object like a necklace or brooch.. she has been having visions of the same guy all her life and one day her visions sees that he is going to be murdered, so her and her uncle go to find him and warn him before this happens.

they find him and convince him with her visions that something terrible is going to happen. each one of Altheas family members have special gifts as well and they all band together to find the woman and her sister that have been killing all these rich powerful men and who was going to kill Hartley..

I really enjoyed this story. it was full of suspence and intrigue and a splatter of romance... I would love to read each one of Altheas family members stories and learn about their gifts and how they use them in their story...



3,321 reviews10 followers

October 6, 2019

This is the third of seven books in the Wherlocke series by Hannah Howell. Each story is about a kinsman in the Wherlocke and Vaughn families who seem to have an extra ability to help those around them. In older days they had been burned as witches. Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing has visions of people. While looking in the fire she sees a man whom is known but not known to her getting killed. This leads her on a wild chase to London to save the man. Lord Hartley Greville is a known rake of the ton. When she gets there she asks her uncle for an introduction. That is when the dominos start falling in a way that is unpredictable. She just might have changed destiny for a bit. But is he still going to end up dead in the end? Or will they have their own happy ending that is not always done in the ton? I had read this when it first came out and enjoyed rereading it again.


995 reviews37 followers

April 7, 2018

I shouldn't have put this book aside as long as I did, as it was a really engaging story. Problem was I was reading it in DTB format.....Couldn't read it in bed, the print was too small, etc. Yes, I am spoiled by Kindles! I love historical romances to begin with; throw in some spies, and it's even better. Alethea and Hartley were perfect as the h and H. I liked that they didn't drag out the "should we?" like is done in so many other books. Plus they liked and respected each other.

The entire Vaughn and Wherlocke clans are fascinating. Please tell me we'll see more of Iago, and especially Modred! This was a very satisfying read and I'm glad I have the rest of the series to read.


65 reviews

February 20, 2020

I read the 2nd book of this series and loved it. I just finished the 1st in Audible yesterday and although I enjoyed the story, the narrator, Ashford MacNab, was painful to listen to. Today I started this book with Audible, have listened to 2 hours of it, and not only can I not get into the story, like I have no idea what's going on, but I've got a roaring headache from this narrator. I don't have the time to read books during the school year, but I can listen to them while I work in the lab. So since I can't tolerate this narrator, I guess I'm done with this series and am on to another author.


5,061 reviews45 followers

November 1, 2020

Enjoyable but I will take a break for a while.
Having read four of these in a row, though I am enjoying the characters very much, I am finding the plots so very similar. Bit of rinse and repeat with different names.
This book is extremely similar to book five, which I have just read.
The many repetitive discussions about how vile the female villain is that she needs to hang but it is wrong to wish that on someone, made me roll my eyes.
This author does love her heroines being shot and lots of innocents and good people being murdered.
Nice to have Modred come to their aid.
Fun epilogue about Justus.

Celia Lewis

199 reviews5 followers

October 15, 2019

Fascinating premise... Excellent story!!

I loved the unusual gifts/talents of the Wherlocke & Vaughn families, and the challenges each experiences! With a dangerous spy - or two - and strong hints of terrible danger interfering, a romance between Althea and Hartley scarcely started before it seemed impossible. A mystery, sharp deadly danger, odd talents which can be helpful or overwhelming... this story has it all. I couldn't pull myself away until I got to the very end! Whew!! Highly recommended.

Sue P.

22 reviews

February 4, 2021

Greatly enjoying this series, except...

Somewhere in the publishing process there is someone who doesn't know the difference between discreet(careful in one's speech or actions) and discrete (separate in form or concept). This turns MS Howell's excellent prose into nonsense. I can hope that somewhere in the other books English will prevail. Read this book. You won't be sorry!



121 reviews15 followers

July 14, 2022

Another great foray into the Wherelocke and Vaughan Regency world

I so much enjoy the mystery, murder and humor, all wrapped up in the world Of the Wherelock and Vaughn families in Regency England. I sure hope Hannah Howell continues to write more in the series. I just can't get enough of the families!

Emily Stafford

510 reviews1 follower

August 11, 2022

Rags to riches

The sisters started in rags, and although they ended hung, it was in satin. Althea started alone only to gain not only a husband, a niece and nephew but also a son. They started by trying to protect from two vile, cold, heartless spots to end with finding they had one of the strongest healers in the family coming into his gift at an extremely young age.

Maggie Shanley

1,381 reviews15 followers

July 2, 2018

Good beach read, I enjoy reading about the Vaughan and Wherlocke families, but it has been a while. I think this one used characters from other books, so this series might be best read in order and without long gaps. There are a lot of characters.

Jodi Gonzalez

209 reviews

June 11, 2022

The villains were two sisters that were truly evil. Aletheas family and Hartleys friends are amazing how they all pull together and work well with each other to get the justice they want. I think it was a great book from beginning to end. The romance between Alethea and Hartley was adorable

If He's Wild (Wherlocke, #3) (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.