Iris Societies (flower) (2024)

I'm still working on this page. If you have information that would help meto complete it, I'd be glad to hear from you.

-- Dave

Table of Contents

  • American Iris Society including its sections and cooperating societies:
    • Median Iris Society
    • The Society for Siberian Irises
    • Spuria Iris Society
    • Society for Japanese Irises
    • Reblooming Iris Society
    • Dwarf Iris Society
    • Society for Pacific Coast Native Irises
    • Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA)
    • Historic Iris Preservation Society
    • Aril Society International
    • Society for Louisiana Irises
  • British Iris Society
  • Canadian Iris Society
  • Société Français des Iris et PlantesBulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)
  • Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris
  • Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde
  • Nihon Hanashobu Kyokai (Japanese Iris Society)
  • Nihon Iris Kyokai (Iris Society of Japan)
  • New Zealand Iris Society
  • Iris Society of South Africa
  • The Iris Society of Australia
  • Aril Society International
  • World Iris Association
Other societies.(Send me me a note if you know anything about them.)
  • Belgian Iris Society
  • The Central Iris Society (Moscow)
  • Danish Iris Society
  • Iris Society of Southern Africa
  • Schweizer Iris-und Lilienfreunde (Swiss iris society)

Iris Societies (flower) (1)American Iris Society

The A.I.S. has a home page on the web.

The American Iris Society was founded in 1920.

Publications of the A. I. S.

The A.I.S. publishes the Bulletin of the American Iris Societyquarterly, and the Iris Check List every ten years with annual updates.Past Bulletins and Check Lists are available from the A.I.S. aswell as a Membership Book, RHS Colour Charts, Iris Calendars, a booklet onBasic Iris Culture, iris calendars, and the informative, 494 page The World of Irises edited by Warburton and Hamblen.Contact Jerry Gifford, 5647 Myrtlewood Drive,Nashville, TN 37211, orcheck the latest Bulletin for more information.

Sections of the American Iris Society and cooperating societies

Median Iris Society.
Medians consist of the middle sized bearded irises, and these areclassified into four sizes: Standard Dwarf, Intermediate, Miniature Tall,and Border.The Median Iris Society was founded in 1957 and incorporated as a sectionof the A.I.S. in 1960. It has published a quarterly journal, TheMedianite, since 1962.
The Society for Siberian Irises.
The Society for Siberian Irises was founded in 1960 as a section of theA.I.S. It publishes a semiannual journal The Siberian Iris.
Spuria Iris Society.
The Spuria Iris Society was founded in 1952.
Society for Japanese Irises.
The Society for Japanese Irises was founded as a section of the A.I.S. in1962. It has published The Review semiannually since 1964. It hasheld annual conventions for Japanese Irises since 1962.
Reblooming Iris Society.
The Reblooming Iris Society was founded in 1962 and incorporated as asection of the A.I.S. in 1967. It has published The Reblooming IrisRecorder since 1962.
Dwarf Iris Society.
The Dwarf Iris Society was founded in 1950 and incorporated as a sectionof the A.I.S. in 1980. It has its own page on the web
Society for Pacific Coast Native Irises.
Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA).
This group has published the SIGNA Newsletter since 1968. It has web page.
Historic Iris Preservation Society.
The Historic Iris Preservation Society was founded in 1988 as a section ofthe A.I.S. It publishes a journal Roots semiannually. There is ahome page for HIPS.
Aril Society International.
The Aril Society International (see below) is a cooperating society of the A.I.S.
Society for Louisiana Irises.
The Society for Louisiana Irises was founded in 1941. In 1978 a sectionof the A.I.S. called the Louisiana Iris Society of Americawas created for furthering Louisiana Irises. In 1993 the two were merged asthe Society for Louisiana Irises to become a cooperating society of the A.I.S.It publishes the Society for Louisiana Irises Newsletter quarterly.

Awards of the American Iris Society

The American Iris Society has announced its 1995 awards.

The hightest award by the A.I.S. is the American Dykes Medal which has beenawarded since 1927. Recently the A.I.S. restructured its award system.

Exhibition Certificate (EC)
Awarded to seedlings (irises not introduced to commerce) at shows
High Commendation Award (HC)
Awarded to seedlings based on garden performance
Honorable Mention (HM)
First award to introduced irises based on garden performance
Walther Cup
Given annually to the iris which received the most votes for HM
President's Cup and Franklin Cook Cup
These are awarded at the annual national convention. The President's cupis awarded to the most popular iris inside the host region, and the FranklinCook Cup to the most popular iris outside the host region.
Award of Merit (AM)
Second award
Third award, one named medal in each class of iris annually awarded.
Dykes Memorial Award
Fourth award, given annually to one iris which has received a medal.

National Conventions of the American Iris Society

The AIS holds a several-day convention each spring in a different location.The next will be in Sacramento, April 24-28, 1996. The following four annual conventionsare scheduled for Dearborn, Denver, Oklahoma City, and Dallas.

There will be a "M.A.S.S. Medley" convention June 14-16, 1996, in Westford, Massachusetts. This "M.A.S.S." stands for "Mad About Species and Siberians."

St. Louis will host a 1996 Japanese Iris Convention and Tour June 13-15, 1996.

Iris Societies (flower) (2)British Iris Society

The British Iris Society was founded in 1922.

Publications of the British Iris Society

Publishes the Iris Year Book annually.

Membership in the British Iris Society

 Mr. E. H. Furnival 15 Parkwood Drive Rawtenstall Lancashire BB4 6RP UK
New American members may pay by check for $15.00 (in US dollars)made out to the British Iris Society and sent to Mrs. E. M. Wise, 197 The Parkway, Iver Heath, IVER, Bucks, SL0 0RQ, UK.

Awards and Shows of the British Iris Society

The society has annually awarded the Dykes Medal since 1927. In fact, theBritish Iris Society actually awards Dykes Medals for othersocieties including the American Dykes Medal and the Australasian Dykes Medal.Other awards include the Foster Memorial Plaque, the Pilkington Award, theHugh Miller Trophy, the Souvenir de M. Lemoine, and the Fothergill MemorialTrophy. It also elects irises for the Award of Garden Merit.

The society holds an Annual Dwarf, Median, and Species Show, the Chelsea Show,and the Main Iris Show.

Iris Societies (flower) (3)Canadian Iris Society

The Canadian Iris Society has a home page.The Canadian Iris Society (CIS) is a non-profit organization withthe objective to encourage, improve and extend the cultivation of thegenus iris and to collaborate with other societies for this purpose aswell as to regulate the nomenclature and colour classification.

The CIS was founded in 1946 under the leadership of W.J. Moffat ofHamilton, Ontario who became the first president until 1956. The societyfunctioned as a region of the American Iris Society until 1958 when theCanadian Iris Society was reorganized independently to promote irises tothe gardening public throughout Canada.

The society is concerned with the whole realm of garden irises,culture, trials of newer varieties and the encouraging of hybridizers toproduce varieties that are adapted to climatic conditions as they exist inour country. The Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario is thefocus of a continuing CIS project since 1964. Specifically, the LakingGarden with its huge collection of irises, is each year complimented bythe addition of newer acquisition irises judged to be of high calibre bythe CIS. The absolutely spectacular showing of irises in the Laking Gardenis well worth a visit or two or more!

Regional Groups

Provision is made in the CIS constitution for the formation ofregional groups in geographical areas where there exists enough interest.The CIS will foster and assist such groups but their functions within theframework of the society depends on the initiative of local members ofthat particular region.


The governing body of the CIS is comprised of a Board ofDirectors. The principal officers include the president, two vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, an editor of the newsletter and themembership chairman. Activity Highlights June Iris Shows - During themain flowering season for tall bearded irises the CIS holds annual irisshows at various locations. Members and the public are invited to attendand enjoy these shows. Iris Sales and Auctions - Iris sales and auctionsare held annually in August making available to the membership and thegeneral public newer and quality varieties of iris at very reasonableprices.

Annual General Meeting

The final major event of the year, theAnnual General Meeting, is usually held in the autumn and combines abusiness meeting with a guest speaker presentation, a luncheon or dinner,the election of new officers, the presentation of awards and anopportunity to get together and enjoy a programme of interest about irisesto all the members who attend.


The CIS publishes a 24 page newsletter four times a year(January-April-July-October) to accommodate the needs of Canadian irisenthusiasts. Members are encouraged and invited to submit local iris newsinformation, iris experiences and articles for publication in thenewsletter. Each issue is full of informative articles about all types ofiris.

Iris reference books may be borrowed by CIS members, either inperson or by mail, from the Library of the Royal Botanical Gardens locatedat the RBG Centre building in Burlington, Ontario.

Iris Societies (flower) (4)Société Français des Iris et PlantesBulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)

Publications of S.F.I.B.

The S.F.I.B. publishes Iris et Bulbeuses quarterly.

Membership in the S.F.I.B.

Clarence Mahan writes in his column on international news in the April, 1995,Bulletin of the American Iris Society, page 24, that S.F.I.B.membership for overseas residents is 210 francs, which should be sent to theSecrétaire-Général, Mme Anne-Marie Chesnais, 19 rue duDr. Kurzenne, 78350 JOUY-EN-JOSAS, France. He adds that an inexpensive way toconvert U.S. dollars is by purchasing an International Money Order through theU.S. Post Office.

Iris Societies (flower) (5)Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris

Publications of the Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris

Membership in the Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris

(Send me me a note if you know.)

Awards of the Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris

Since 1957 the society has held an annual International Iris Competition inFlorence. Various awards are given including the Primio Firenze prize to thebest tall bearded iris.

Iris Societies (flower) (6)Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde

Founded in 1950 as the Deutsche-Iris-und Lilien-Gesellschaft, it was renamedthe Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde in 1960 to include all perennials.

Publications of the Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde

Publishes the quarterly journal Staudengarten.

Membership in the Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde

(Send me me a note if you know.)

Awards of the Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde

The society holds an annual iris competition in the Palmengarten, Frankfort,and an annual Internationa Garden Exposition for Dwarf Iris in Vienna.Various awards are given at these two events.

Iris Societies (flower) (7)Nihon Hanashobu Kyokai (Japanese Iris Society)

The Nihon Hanashobu Kyokai was founded in 1931. Its primary interest ishanashoubu, that is, Japanese irises. It has published a yearbook since 1931.

Iris Societies (flower) (8)Nihon Iris Kyokai (Iris Society of Japan)

The Nihon Iris Kyokai was founded in 1967. Its major interest is in irisesother than the hanashobu (Japanese irises).

Iris Societies (flower) (9)New Zealand Iris Society

Publications of the New Zealand Iris Society

Publishes a Bulletin.

Membership in the New Zealand Iris Society

Contact the Secretary, Marion Ball, 25 Lucknow Road, Havelock North, New Zealand.


An International Syposium on Iris is being held in Tauranga 2nd - 6th November 2000. international and local presentations. Tours are being arranged after the symposium. Options of North Island and South Island Tours. Local gardens, iris society members gardens and scenic adventures. Contact Alison Nicoll at: -

Iris Societies (flower) (10)Iris Society of South Africa

Iris Society of South AfricaP.O. Box 2924Edenvale, 1610South Africa

Iris Societies (flower) (11)The Iris Society of Australia

Heather Pryor. Federal President of the I.S.A.P.O. BOX 83, PENNANT HILLS NSW 2120 AUSTRALIA.Tel. 612 9144.3805 (H) Fax. 612 9980.6592NSW RegionPO Box 11GORDON NSW 2072Dora Cattanach, Secretary of the Victorian region I.S.A.1062 Norman Street, Wendouree VIC 3355
Contact Heather Pryor, listed above, for more information.

(Last updated June, 1997.)Notice: The 1998 Sunraysia Iris Convention will be October 20th to 27th, 1998. The convention headquarters will be in Mildura, Victoria. Fully detailed registration brochures are available. Contact the convenor, Dianne Dalla Santa, P.O. Box 272 Cardross, Victoria 3496, Australia or

Iris Societies (flower) (12)Aril Society International

The Aril Society International has a home page on the web.

The Aril Society International promotes aril irises and their hybrids.Aril irises belong to the Hexapogon section of the Iris genuswhich includes the regelias, pseudoregelias, and oncocyclus. Many, but not all, of the oncocyclus are native to desert areas, and so may be grown in regions thatmost other irises do not survive. Modern hybrids, especially "arilbreds" which are hybrids between arils and bearded irises, may also be grown inmoister regions.

Publications of the Aril Society International

The society publishes a yearbook and three newsletters per year.

Membership in the Aril Society International

See the Aril Society International's home page.

Iris Societies (flower) (13)World Iris Association

The World Iris Association has recently been proposed. There is a web page describing its goals.Back to Irises
David Pane-Joyce

Iris Societies (flower) (14)
Page created May 25, 1995
Iris Societies (flower) (2024)


What is the rarest iris flower? ›

The black iris is one of the rarest flowers in the world, and displays a very unique mix of colours, it is characterised by a dark purple almost black colour' with a mesmerizing Lilac hue and a white spot in the middle of the flower.

How do I get more iris flowers? ›

Iris will produce more blooms if a few simple rules are followed. First, irises need lots of sun (at least 6 hours a day) to flower well. Also, they need well-drained soil (add compost to condition the soil and make nutrients available).

What does the iris flower represent? ›

In floriography, the iris flower symbolises faith, courage, valour, hope and wisdom.

What is the iris flower special identifying feature? ›

Botanically diverse, iris flowers come in a breathtaking array of colors, shapes, and sizes, characterized typically by their unique structure of three upright petals called 'standards' and three drooping petals called 'falls.

Why is iris so expensive? ›

New introductions are priced at $65.00 or more the first year as there is a limited supply of these exclusive cultivars. In successive years, there are more plants available so the price goes down. The price of an Iris is based on supply and demand.

What is the most sought after iris? ›

Iris 'Beverly Sills' (Bearded Iris)

Award-winning Iris 'Beverly Sills' is one of the most popular Tall Bearded Irises and this is well deserved.

What flower represents God? ›

Pinks hold a deep Christian significance. They were associated with the nails used in the Crucifixion and coronations, while the name dianthus translates to “flower of God” (from the original Greek Dios for Zeus), and can be found represented in numerous illuminated manuscripts.

What birth month flower is an iris? ›

If you were born in February you have two birth flowers, the violet and the iris. Both are perfect flowers for this month filled with messages of love for Valentine's Day.

Is iris poisonous to dogs? ›

According to the ASPCA, yes—iris are poisonous to dogs. While we can't deny their aesthetic appeal, these eye-catching blooms can tigger tissue irritation if your dog swallows or touches them. Fortunately, iris poisoning in dogs is usually only mild to moderate in severity.

What do irises smell like? ›

What Does Iris Smell Like? Iris has a powdery, floral, and slightly earthy scent profile with subtle undertones of spice or musk. The aroma of the iris root itself is complex, and may be described as having notes of violet, green leaves, or even a hint of licorice.

What does the iris flower mean when someone dies? ›

Ancient Greeks tied this flower to the goddess Iris. Since Iris acted as a messenger between heaven and earth, one of her jobs was to guide the dead to their final resting place and forever home. Therefore, Greeks often used iris flowers at funerals and gravesites.

Do irises only bloom once? ›

Most irises cease blooming during summer, but rebloomers flourish during the warm months. With long growing seasons, reblooming irises can have three or four reblooms. In general, the reliability of reblooming iris declines as you go farther north. Gardeners in Zones 3 and 4 may see little or no reblooming.

What is the rarest colour of iris? ›

Of those four, green is the rarest. It shows up in about 9% of Americans but only 2% of the world's population. Hazel/amber is the next rarest color after green. Blue is the second most common and brown tops the list, found in 45% of the U.S. population and possibly almost 80% worldwide.

What is the prettiest iris? ›

Regarded as an outstanding Iris by most Iris experts, multiple award-winning Iris 'Florentine Silk' is exquisitely beautiful with its delicately ruffled, soft peach-pink standards, elegantly sitting atop wide ruffled lavender falls with narrow pinkish blush around the edges.

What is the rarest flower in Earth? ›

The Middlemist Red Camellia, or Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red,' is an exceptionally rare flower with vibrant pinkish-red petals. With only two known living specimens in the world, both located in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it holds the title of the rarest flowering plant on Earth.

What is the oldest iris flower? ›

Iris albicans has been cultivated since ancient times and may be the oldest iris in cultivation. Collected by Lange in 1860, it has been in cultivation since at least 1400 BC.


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